"When Will and imagination come into conflict, imagination wins"
~ Roberto Assagioli
Working with images
In our externally focused culture, we are seldom encouraged to explore our imaginal realms yet this inner wilderness is brimming with possibilities for self-expression.
Images can serve as a powerful tool for self-discovery. When we connect with our inner world, we tap into our creative, non-rational experiences, often uncovering hidden memories, emotions, or aspects of ourselves. By exploring an image, we might encounter previously unrecognised judgments, beliefs, or perspectives.
Images play a vital role in cultivating change. To grow and evolve, we must first imagine new possibilities. Our rational minds often follow familiar patterns, but engaging with images can open pathways to fresh insights about ourselves and our future. If our imagined self remains trapped in old narratives, even our Will to change can feel conflicted.
Similarly, images are deeply connected to our emotions and actions. Through our imaginings our emotional and sensory world will be impacted and changed by this symbolic exploration.
Symbolic work with images allows us to engage with complex inner experiences without overanalysing. An image can represent a feeling, a thought, or even a facet of our personality or potential. This can bring a fun and creative dimension to self-understanding and counselling as well as inviting deeply moving experiences.
We can build relationships with our images, integrating them into our experience and allowing them to touch and transform us. While our rational minds may struggle to embrace emotions like grief or loneliness, images can help us gently invite these challenging experiences into awareness. In the same way, we can use images to welcome our strength, love, power, and other qualities of our Self into our experience.
Guided Journey
Imaginal exercise